Workplace Training
More often than not, managers, supervisors, and employees are at the front line of complying with numerous and ever-changing laws and regulations affecting the workplace. But do they know what to do?
Workplace requirements aren't always intuitive. If you want employees to comply with the law, tell them how.
As you increase employee awareness of legal requirements and best practices, your employees are better able to:
spot potential legal issues,
correct problems quickly and effectively; and
reduce the likelihood of legal liability.
Dowling Law provides training by experienced employment lawyers who can explain an employer's legal obligation with real life examples of how things went wrong and how to course correct to better protect the organization.

Workplace Harassment and Professionalism Training
A NYS Compliant Sexual Harassment training
What Sets Dowling Law Training Apart?
Designed and presented by experienced employment attorneys who advise clients on and investigate alleged workplace harassment.
Meets all NYS requirements for sexual harassment training and also addresses other forms of illegal workplace discrimination and harassment (including race, disability, age, religion, and other legally protected categories).
Includes tips for practical strategies that all employees can take to contribute to a professional workplace free from unlawful harassment.
Available in-person or online
Two versions: one for employees and one specially designed for supervisors to help them understand their unique responsibilities.
By providing employees and supervisors with this information, employers not only comply with the law but also reduce potential legal exposure for unlawful discrimination and harassment.
Our Easy to Use On-Line Training Platform is Accessible 24 hours/7 days a week from a Computer, Tablet or Phone